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Located in the Northern Triangle, Honduras is the 2nd poorest country in Latin America. With 60% of families in poverty and more than 45% unemployed, a staggering 23% of children suffer from chronic malnutrition. This usually results in stunting growth and low height for their age. Well over 30% of children are unable to attend school. Natural disasters in recent years have destroyed homes and and the lack of employment are causing people to flee in caravans for regional migration.


Our Mission: Immediate relief to those that need it now by providing food, clean water, shelter, education and adequate health services. We aim to enrich the lives of children, animals and our environment to make way for a better future.


We don't stop there. Our many projects take on all of the challenges Honduras faces in living safe, sustainable lives.




Click on the INITIATIVES button to find out more or donate today!



What It Is​

Our Care For Kids Campaign not only battles hunger and malnutrition, but gives them the basic, life saving medication for parasites and infection. We provide medicine, food, clean water with the hope that the kids of Honduras can live safe and happy lives!

What We Do

With our eyes and ears already living in the Honduran communities, we take pride in implementing donations directly to the villages hardest hit by poverty, hurricanes and natural disasters. Our team makes sure resources can be effectively distributed to those who are a priority.


How to Help

You can click the DONATE button to donate today or go to to learn more. Share our information or if you really want to make a difference, join our team!


Project of the Month​


The May Project is an exciting one! We have already finished acquiring a new Community Kitchen in the village of Colonia Ronaldo Carcamo and are converting a neighboring building for the distribution of various medicines at the base of the mountain. This is one of the more impoverished areas with great need. With the help of people like YOU, we hope to efficiently provide food and medicine for those left homeless by hurricane Eta, families affected by Covid19, and hungry children all across Honduras.


Learn more at:


What It Is​

Hands for Honduras is compassionate about the well being of our animals as well.  Always thinking about how we can do more, we decided to address the dog problem in the streets of Honduras. The poverty in the area makes it extremely difficult for pets and abandoned dogs to really have a chance at survival. We operate on small donations to provide food, shelter and treatment for animals that deserve that second chance.

What We Do

We are a no-kill operation working with the best vets in the area at less than a quarter of the cost of the United States. Click here to check out our Videos and Pictures or follow our progress.


How to Help

Hands for Honduras maximizes small donations in our efforts to give as many animals the second chance at life they desperately need. Without the generosity of individuals like you, these animals would perish. Help us aid in there suffering and donate today!

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Project of the Month​


The May Project looks to add more dog pens to separate them as many of them have bacterial skin infections. This allows us to safely identify and treat problems that are a priority and take on more strays as this problem increases. Donations also provide food, clean water and the shelter some need to bring them back to health. We are able to acquire antibiotics and medications at a fraction of the cost to save lives and provide help to dogs that otherwise wouldn't make it. We want to thank everyone for their empathy toward these animails and let you all know that we couldn't do it without you. Cheers!


Click HERE learn more!


What It Is​

Beach front Cleanups! We plan to help save our environment in our continued efforts to make the world a better place here and abroad. With the new problem raging in the Caribbean, Honduras is feeling the harsh effects of plastic and garbage washing up on their shores.  For a region that relies on the Caribbean Sea for more than $400 billion in income per year, the 33 billion pounds of plastic pollution that are disposed into the ocean each year is a real and dangerous threat. This directly effects the ocean dependent communities that already desperately need help. Our cleanup efforts would employ local residents to get this problem under control and help support their own families in this time of need.

What We Do

From big coastal cleanups and hurricane debris removals, we have already risen to the challenge and are working hard to implement creative solutions to remove debris and prevent it at the source.


How to Help

You can click the DONATE button to donate today or learn more at

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Project of the Month​


For our August project, our team of volunteers are working to make an impact! With plastics and trash washing up at an alarming rate, looks to organize clean ups to restore these pristine beach fronts. From allocating waste locations, helping marine life and funding family supporting jobs to Central American local workers, we maximize all donations towards the effort. We have made lasting relationships up and down the coastline which makes it easy to assemble crews, cost effectively, due to the low labor rates in the area.


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